New York State Recycling System Needs Assessment
The Center for SMM is conducting a New York State recycling system needs assessment and gap analysis. Broadly, this assessment will evaluate the current recycling system and make recommendations for how to improve and reach the State’s waste reduction goals.
We need your help to gather essential information about our state’s recycling system - please respond by 1/31/25.
If you are a commercial business or institution, please complete this survey.
If you a hauler providing services in NY, please complete this survey.
If you are a representative of a municipality or run a municipal recycling program, please verify that information about your recycling program is up to date with our partner here.
If you have contacts from any of the groups above, please forward this webpage.
First phase report now available!
This first phase of the needs assessment compiled initial data on how the collection and recycling system in the state operates, including the amount and types of material collected, hauling collection systems and sorting infrastructure, and required operational and capital investment needs.
The needs assessment will collect information on the operation of the recycling, composting, and reuse and refill systems at work across New York State currently and identify actions and investment needed to improve the systems and achieve a desired future state. This will include information on materials accepted and processing capacity, including both infrastructure and volume.
Information on the current systems for residential, commercial and institutional collection, hauling, and sorting of recyclables will also be collected, including:
Level of service provided
Current market conditions and availability for growth
Existing laws and funding sources
Existing education and outreach
GHG impacts
The needs assessment will then make recommendations on what improvements are needed to each of the following to achieve a to-be-defined desired future state:
Materials accepted for recycling, composting, and reuse
Service level and/or processing capacity
Viable end markets
Education and outreach
Laws, policies, and funding
Technology, especially for sorting
We want to hear from you!
Please fill out this questionnaire if you have thoughts on what the needs assessment should do, issues it should cover, or data sources for us to capture.