
  • Textile Recovery in New York State: A comprehensive assessment of data and needs.

    August 2024

    This in-depth analysis, collaborative effort between the Center for Sustainable Materials Management (CSMM) and Resource Recycling Systems (RRS), offers a thorough look into textile waste flows, infrastructure, and consumer behavior.

  • Current Recycling Systems in New York State

    April 2024

    This report offers a comprehensive inventory of the data available for the existing recycling systems in New York State as well as an analysis of gaps between current available data and data needed to execute the assessment.

  • NYS Maple Line Recycling Study

    November 2023

    Recognizing New York State (NYS) is a leader in both maple production and sustainability in the United States, the Center for Sustainable Materials Management aims to support NYS maple producers to divert their hard-to-recycle materials away from landfills.

  • A Snapshot Market Research Analysis of Polyethylene Film Plastic Recycling

    November 2023

    New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) has requested assistance from the New York State Center for Sustainable Materials Management (CSMM) at the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (ESF) to prepare a summary report or white paper of findings relating to PE Film Plastic recovery and recycling.

  • Polyethylene Recyclers and Manufacturers in New York State and the Northeast

    November 2023

    This is a supporting document for A Snapshot Market Research Analysis of Polyethylene Film Plastic Recycling report from the Center for Sustainable Materials Management (CSMM).

  • Poly(3-hydroxybuyrate) Production from Industrial Hemp Waste Pretreated with a Chemical-Free Hydrothermal Process

    August 2023

    In this study, a mild two-stage hydrothermal pretreatment was employed to optimally valorize industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa sp.) fibrous waste into sugars for Poly(3-hydroxybuyrate) (PHB) production using recombinant Escherichia coli LSBJ.

  • Enhanced Polyhydroxybutyrate Production From Acid Whey Through Determination of Process and Metabolic Limiting Factors

    December 2021

    To sustainably produce biodegradable polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB), this study investigated effects of process and metabolic limiting factors during bioconversion of acid whey (AW) to PHB, offering economic and environmental advantages for dairy industry.

  • EPS Alternative Guide

    November 2021

    With a preference for reusable, compostable, recyclable, and recycled content, this document provides alternatives to expanded polystyrene food and beverage containers, as well as polystyrene packing peanut alternatives.

  • Production of Medium Chain Length Polyhydroxyalkanoate Copolymers from Agro-Industrial Waste Streams

    August 2022

    Market shifts driven by increasing legislative pressures, changing consumer demands, and an overall need for businesses to focus more on sustainability are compelling the packaging industry to seek out alternative biopolymer solutions.

  • SUNY ESF Green Purchasing Guide

    April 2022

    This Green Purchasing Guide is meant to serve as a pilot product and educational tool to increase awareness of and associated compliance with NYS green purchasing mandates and ESF green purchasing goals.


  • Public/Private Partnerships Pave the Way!

    SWANA SOAR 2024

    A presentation at SOAR 2024 sharing about TRUE Zero Waste Certification

  • TRUE Case Study UBS Arena


    A presentation on the TRUE UBS Arena case study

  • Outreach and Engagement Training Program

    Spring 2022

    The Center for Sustainable Community Solutions offers trainings designed to help Recycling Coordinators and community leaders in their endeavors to educate and empower residents in New York and Puerto Rico on sustainable materials management and how to recycle right. 

  • Paper and Packaging EPR Virtual Stakeholder Meeting

    EPR Stakeholder Meetings

    January 2022

    Recording for the Paper and Packaging EPR Virtual Stakeholder Meeting with CSMM

  • ESF Connected Playlist on YouTube

    ESF Connected Series

    February 2021

    ESFTV series presented by the office of Alumni Affairs