Request For Qualifications: Needs Assessment and Gap Analysis of New York’s Recycling and Reuse System

The Center for Sustainable Materials Management at SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry has released a Request for Qualifications for the conduction of a needs assessment and gap analysis of New York’s recycling and reuse system. The needs assessment is intended to identify the capacity, costs and needs associated with the collection, transportation, and processing of residential and commercial recyclables in New York State, with particular attention paid to economically distressed and underserved communities.

This Request for Qualifications is the first phase of the needs assessment and gap analysis process. Initial work will focus on planning the broader project as well as collecting, validating and presenting existing data on the operation of the State’s recycling system. The ultimate objective of the data collection effort is to obtain a clear and comprehensive picture of the current recycling system’s waste characterization and quantity, collection and transportation networks, funding arrangements, and infrastructure and processing capacity.

Please share this Request for Qualifications with your networks. All interested parties should review the qualifications and submit a Qualification Package by March 10, 2023, at 2 pm if they meet the outlined criteria.


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