Paper and Packaging EPR Virtual Stakeholder Meeting

January 4th 2022

CSMM brought together more than 65 industry professionals to discuss the future of Extender Producer Responsibility (EPR) in New York State. Featuring an overview from NYS DEC, proposed legislation by Senator Tod Kaminsky and a panel discussion from other states, the meeting showcased what efforts have been made in NYS to advance paper and packaging EPR, highlighted what other states have accomplished, and offered an opportunity to stakeholders to address their priorities.

Meeting Agenda

  • Welcome | Kate Walker, CSMM, SUNY ESF

  • NYS Overview | David Vitale, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation

  • Legislation Overview Provide overview of NYS legislation | NYS State Senator Todd Kaminsky

  • State Panel Discussion

    • David Allaway, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

    • Kate Bailey, Eco Cycle Solutions, Colorado

    • Tom Metzner, Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection

    • Adrian Tan, King County Solid Waste Division, Washington State

  • Facilitated Q&A | Mark Lichtenstein, CSMM, SUNY ESF

  • Wrap-up | Kate Walker, CSMM, SUNY ESF


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