Calling all Orange County Restaurants:
Do you want to reduce waste, save money, and level up your brand visibility?
Introducing Orange County Green Grub. This voluntary program, offered FREE of cost*, is designed to support and guide local food service establishments, including restaurants and grocery stores, in implementing safe, sustainable reuse practices. With an estimated time commitment of 3-4 hours a month** over 8 months, Orange County Green Grub aims to reduce dependency on single-use items, benefiting both businesses and the surrounding community.
This is a collaborative effort between the Institute for Sustainability Engagement (ISE) at Syracuse University, the Center for Sustainable Materials Management (CSMM), the Orange County DPW Division of Environmental Facilities and Services (DEFS), and the Orange County Department of Health (OCDOH).
Throughout the program, participants can expect to:
1 - Meet and share with program partners their local perspectives and challenges as a restaurant owner/manager.
2 - Identify and measure an area of single-use waste that’s impacting their business.
3 - Receive direct guidance, feedback, and support from program partners to establish realistic reuse goals and implement strategies to achieve them.
4 - Measure the success of their reuse goal.
5 - Receive press and other advertisement opportunities throughout the course of the program.
Participants in the program will have the opportunity to tailor projects to their unique needs, challenges, and goals. Whether it's increasing public awareness about reusable containers, implementing a bring-your-own-mug program, or tackling a specific area of single-use waste, businesses will receive guidance, feedback, and support from the program partners. The potential benefits are vast, including cost savings, reduced waste, brand exposure, press opportunities, and expert support from our network.
Program Timeline
Application Period | March-April 2024
Program Orientation/Kick-off Meeting | Mid-May 2024
Exploring Your Unique Project | May-June 2024
Participants Receive Project Proposal Outline | Early July 2024
Participants Review and Approve Proposal | Mid July 2024
Project Kick-off | Late July-Early August 2024
Reflection and Review | TBD
Updated 4/24/2024

If you are an Orange County food service establishment looking to make a positive impact on your community and business, we invite you to join Orange County Green Grub and be part of this sustainability initiative.
Applications are now being accepted.
The application deadline has been extended to April 15th, 2024.
Participants will be selected and contacted by the end of April.
Contact info@centerforsmm.org with questions.
OCGG is a collaboration between the Institute for Sustainability Engagement (ISE) at Syracuse University, the Center for Sustainable Materials Management (CSMM), the Orange County DPW Division of Environmental Facilities and Services (DEFS), and the Orange County Department of Health (OCDOH).